Thursday, 15 April 2010

Its the hen weekend

Date: 15 April 2010
Weather:  Nice but we have a volcanic ash overcast.  Thanks Iceland Vocano!!
Shoes:  My black lattice boots

We are now into final countdown for hen weekend number 1 this year.   My fabulous best friend is getting married very soon, and this weekend 10 of us are heading to a log cabin to have a weekend full of girly shenanigans.

But fear not blog world because I have scheduled in 2 runs during my time away.  I have a short 30 mins run planned for Friday afternoon as I arrive slightly before the other girls and I've got a 40 -60min run planned for Sat morning.  That should blast away the cobwebs from the night before!!

I can't say too much about the weekend because the hen might be reading and she cant know what we are doing... but rest assured its going to be nice and tasteful, none of this " lets dress the bride up as a giant willy" nonsence.

I ran 8km on Tuesday morning which is the longest I've run to date, may not be the best distance compared to many other runners but for me this is a huge milestone to reach.  I'm learning to be proud of what I achieve and not to benchmark myself against other people.

The Edinburgh 10k is only about 18 days away, the fabulous Fudgey is running the Dublin 10k this weekend, and she is less than 6 weeks away from her half marathon.   To think this time last year Fudgy was focusing on her own wedding plans and I had just started training with Andy at my gym - Its mind blowing the change in 365 days.

Anyway best be off to get some work done before I head off at 12pm to start hen prep!

I'll be back next week ( when I've gotten over the hangover) to blog all about it..

Kmac xx


  1. wow, great information about hen weekend and different things, if any body want to know more information about hen weekend then please visit, Hen Weekend Ideas

  2. What's a great information. It's really helpful. Hen Weekends Ideas
