Friday, 26 February 2010

Motivation - or lack of it..

Date:  26 Feb 2010
Weather: Bleak, grey and yuck
Shoes: Silver wellies to get to work and then black biker boots (again)!

How do you stay motivated?
Right now I'm suffering badly from lack of motivation again.  I've not noticed a change in my strength, my shape or my stamina and I'm starting to feel a bit deflated.  I've only managed 4 sessions in the gym this week, and really if you were to grade them I'd get 60% for effort...

So, my lovely bloggies, how do you stay motivated?  All tips/ass kicking welcome... 

On another note, the fundraising for Kilimanjaro is coming along nicely.  We have a raffle on the go just now which is going to be drawn on the 15th of March, got some amazing prizes like holiday vouchers and personal training sessions and personal chefs.... so if you want a ticket let me know!! £6 each or 2 for £10.

I'm very excited for my friend Fudgy.. shes starting her 12 week 1/2 marathon training plan next week.  Its all flying in so quickly and I cant wait to check her progress as the weeks go on.  Maybe I should get the Fudge to kick my butt???

Also, on the same day as the 1/2 marathon is the full Edinburgh Marathon which my best friend's fiance is running.  She is due to marry him about a week after the race, so fingers crossed and prayers that he doesnt get injured!!  I suspect that weekend will be a busy one here in Edinburgh.

Just over a month to go until the big house move..... anyone want any of my stuff?!?!?  I'm starting to notice I have so much stuff that its worrying me.... however I feel a cull of clothes is required and possibly even getting some books out to charity shops etc.   My shoes though, stay with me.  Nobody is making me part with my babies!

Hope all is well with everyone and untill next time!

Kmac xxx

1 comment:

  1. The Fudge is so knackered from all her running / training etc that she couldn't kick her way out a paper back right now LOL I can offer words of encouragement or shout at you if you like!!!!
    Have a fab weekend x
