Friday, 29 January 2010

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Date: 29th January 2010
Weather:  Sunny but cold here in Auld Reekie
Shoes: Grey platform boots

Afternoon bloggies!

Its been a mixed week here in Kmac-land.  Good, bad, indifferent, loud, quiet and sometimes very confusing.   Currently on my lunch break at work and listening to Alanis Morissette "Not as We" which is making me a bit reflective which is always a bit of danger!

As many of you will know, I'm a bit of a shopper and this week has been no exception.  I bought the following items...

Pretty pink down jacket

Pretty pink/purple triclimate jacket

Only a wee short one today as I'm super super busy... will update more over the weekend.  Its my dads birthday so family feasting tomorrow evening (I'll try to be good) and my sister will be spending the weekend with me so gym sessions will be in order I suspect!!

Kmac xx

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

You've left me speechless...

Date: 27 Jan 2010
Weather: Slightly cloudy, a bit chilly, but over all dry.
Shoes: Grey suede shoes with neon pink trim and heel.

Lada Gaga obsession is still very much alive, with the songs "Monster" and "Speechless" playing on my ipod constantly. I'm such a song whore - I'll get a new favourite song and listen to it over and over again and then I'll get bored. And find a new one!!

Well the article was published in the local newspaper, the 900 words that the lady had writted were edited down to less than 150 and the picture they used was possibly the worst one of the lot. Needless to say I was not a happy Kmac so I emailed the paper explaining the errors and why I wasn't happy. They have amended it and published it again, but still no mention of the justgiving website or the charities own site. Like hitting my head against a brick wall sometimes I tell you. And the lovely lady who spoke to me about my story is most certianly not to blame, she wrote a great piece on us and why we are doing the climb.... it was the idiotic editors and new desk people who thought they knew better who cut it down.

But never mind, you live and you learn.

Training has been fantastic this week. Managed a good long run on Monday and yesterday I did my programme (one day I'll get it out the gym and type in for you all to see) and today I focused on legs only. I had a minor Op on my arm yesterday so I'm not allowed to do any heavy lifting or lift my arm over my head for a couple of days, ideally I wasn't supposed to do any training this morning but I had twitchy legs and I only did low impact stuff:

20 mins x level 10 on X Trainer
10 mins steep up hill power walking on treadmill
10 mins on the new "wave" machine thing!

Glad I went, really perks me up in the morning. Its my Kmac time when I get into the gym, headphones on and just go. I've never understood people who use the gym as a social club... they turn up, have a chat in the dressing room and then go up to the gym and all go on the same equipment, walk at a snails pace and just chat. Why not go outside and get some fresh air and chat and walk?!? Anyway - I guess I should be happy taht people are taking an interest in their health and fitness and making it to the gym, I'm sure there are lots of people who do nothing!

Anyway loves back to work I go

TTFN Kmac xx

Monday, 25 January 2010


Need to get this out..



Feel better now.

Just needed a forum to vent and chill otherwise I'd be a very angry PA today :o)

In other news - hit the gym this morning and battled through my anger and got just under 8k done in 40mins. 4kg lat raises (4k each hand) and then some swiss ball tricks - looked like a performing monkey on the ball but I'm told they work.

Been listening to Lady Gaga "Speechless" pretty much on repeat. Its a great song, it was also on "So you think you can dance" with a GREAT contemporary routine which I'm jealous of. I really wish I could dance like that..

Kmac xx

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Funday Sunday

Date: 24th Jan 2010
Weather: Typical Scottish weather - grey, cold and dull. But it is what you make it!
Shoes: Grey flats with bronze buttons

Evening all, had a wonderful weekend? Full of frivolity and fun? I hope so... I hope you've been enjoying the time off before another busy busy week ahead.. I have!
Its been an interesting weekend for me, and a dreadful one in terms of exercise and diet.
I've not really been feeling right all week, a bit woozy and generally not with it. I'm blaming it on worry though, waiting on some results from a doctor and I dont like waiting!!! So finished up work on Friday night and headed out for a couple of drinks, was very well behaved and had white whine and soda - Kmac remained sober and upright for the entire evening you'll all be pleased to know...!!
I've done NO time in the gym this weekend and my food has been "snak" like. Its been healthy but not plentiful, so I dont have any pictures. But I've been keeping up 3 ltrs of water per day.

Saturday was spent in the flat, generally relaxing and taking stock of things. I've been a right worry wart recently and I've made a decision to stop it. Worrying does no good, read above... I'm convinced its been making me sicker. So here and now it stops.

Then today I was at a rehearsal from 11 until about 4. Felt so good to have huge songs to belt out, I can just feel it in my bones that this is going to be great show. I've forgotten how rehearsing and shows make me feel. I forget I'm Kmac, and I become a character in the show and for those few hours I am totally engrossed in the music and I just love it. 14 weeks and counting.... Although I am jealous of the Apostles who get to sing "whats the buzz tell me whats a happenin'" just such a cool line.. yeah I'm a geek..
Random photo time... I found this on my laptop and thought I'd share with you all

Proof that a) I DO eat and also b) I do eat CRAP sometimes.

**This is a rant warning.. **

Since I started taking care of what I eat and also the exercises I do I have been faced with people who like to assume they know more than the experts I've consulted. I've been told I don't eat. I've been told I'm getting too skinny. I've been told "your legs are really fat" and I've also been told to lighten up and enjoy myself.

I've spoken to my doctor - I've had to because of the small thing of KILIMAN BLOODY JARO. I am perfectly healthy in terms of diet and weight/height and if anything I should keep doing what I'm doing because I'm no longer an anaemic controlling her condition with pills. I'm controlling it with diet and healthy living.

I am trying not to get too consumed with weight because its just a number, how my clothes feel is far more important to me. But I weight 9stone and 9lbs and I'm 5ft 3ins tall. I wear a size 8 on top and a 10/12 on bottom and I'm happy. My gym going and training is NOT to loose weight, its to get fit, healthy and active.

My "fat" legs are the product of dancing and now the retraining of them to accommodate weight training. They may be bigger than some peoples, but thats the way we are made. My legs are certainly not fat, so please think before you say something as hurtful and callous as that again. Not everyone is as strong as me.

My training is my way of enjoying myself. Can you imagine a stressful week at work, I'm sure you've all had one, and now think just how good that glass of wine tastes to help you relax or how great you feel after a shower and a sing song. Well I feel that way batting out 5k on the treadmill and some clean and press'. Is that so bad?


Thanks for indulging me. I needed to get that out my system.

Hope you all had a lovely evening, now... go to sleep, rest, relax and have a wonderful Monday.

Try not to get worried....

Kmac xx

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Kmac = Gym Bimbo

Date: 21st Jan 2010

Weather: Grey and Dull :o(

Shoes: Red patent kitten heels

Ok, let me clear something up. Im not actually a gym bimbo, however after the photos that were taken last night one would be forgiven to think that. Myself, Richard and Barry were doing a quick photograph for a local paper to help raise awareness of the charity and also the trek we are.

Because I love shoes, the reporter thought it would be funny to have the guys in their kit in the gym and me in my girly girl clothes and super high heels. While on a treadmill. Or a spin bike. Or a pink swiss ball. All while holding cottonbuds for weights (1k dumbell in each hand... Kmac usually lifts at least 6k in each hand). So the pictures were taken, and hopefully in the paper tomorrow of Sat... I'll try get a copy of the picture on here for you all to laugh at!

On the food front I've been fantastic!! Made some fab dinner this evening...

Chicken with pineapple salasa (homemade) and stir fried brocolli, yellow pepper and spring onion with ginger and red chilli. Yummy!

Hope everyone has has a great day

Kmac xxx

Tuesday, 19 January 2010


Date: 19th Jan 2010
Weather: Purple sky this morning, tres pretty
Shoes: Peep toe Nine Wests in Black

Its Tuesday and this week is starting to get a bit longer. Not sure why but after my great fun weekend these past 2 days have seemed to drag.

I got some amazing news last night, I made it into the cast of Jesus Christ Superstar!!! I'm going to be in the ensemble/dance team for the show which goes up late April this year. I'm so excited, and a bit nervous because I've worked with the production team before but helping them out.. I've never been in a production with them. Here's to not letting them down !! Expect lots of blog updates in the coming weeks...

I have an amazing ability to cook food that turns orange, honestly. I have a love for sweet potato and butternut squash which maybe explains this trend... but one of my fav dishes to make is Butternut Squash chili, and just for JAG here is the recipe...

*Was my friend Claire (Mrs Fudgey) who gave me the original recipe, so thanks to her for showing me the yummiest food ever!!

1 Large butternut squash, peeled, deseeded and chopped
1 Red onion chopped
1 Regular onion chopped
A handful of mushrooms washed and cut in half
1 Red pepper sliced
1 Yellow pepper sliced
1/2 clove of garlic
Tin of chopped tomatoes
200g Kidney Beans
200g Butter Beans

I use chili powder, cumin, paprika and coriander. But I never measure.. so just add to taste!!

Cook the garlic and onion together until soft
Add the butternut squash
Add in the first of your spices (for me this is always paprika) and stir really fast to stop sticking
Add the tomatoes/peppers/mushrooms/kidney beans and butter beans
Add 1 cup of water and the remaining spice.

Keep on a medium/high heat bubbling away until everything starts to break down. Add more water if required, I like my chili quite thick so tend to let the water simmer off.

You can add in Chorizo as an alternative to a totally vegetable dominated meal. But I love it just as it is.

And that's it!! Super simple.

I'll get more recipes up when I remember what I cook.... I have a habit of just throwing in a pan anything I have in the house...

Hope everyone has had a great day!

Kmac xx

Monday, 18 January 2010

Disco Spin!

Date: 18th Jan 2010

Weather: DRY! Honestly... and I think somewhere there is sun...

Footwear of choice: Black patent boots that lace up. Very lovely.

Picture the scene... You wake up and start getting ready for the regular Monday morning walk to the gym, the normal 6k run you usually beat out on the treadmill, the usual race for the fast hairdryer in the ladies changing room, and the habitual walk to work and coffee at your desk.... but today you're routine is different...

You wake up late so have to get a cab... (lazy I know but bear with me)... the route the cab would usually go is sealed off by police because there is a "jumper" on the bridge... at 6:30am... I don't know if he/she did but I prey that they didn't and they are getting the help they need now..... you finally get to the gym at 6:45am and all psyched up for your run. And you bump into Paul.

Paul was taking spin this morning and somehow manages to convince you that wake up spin is "cooler" than running... so you get guilted into the class (which you actually love so spinning isn't the chore, its the missing running you are a bit guilty for).

You change, head up to the spin studio, arrive at the door and notice something isn't quite right. All the lights are off and the disco ball is moving to the beat of the music. Have you taken a wrong turn and ended up in a nightclub? Nope - welcome to Paul's very own Disco Spin. Making a Monday morning feel like a Friday night.

The 45 mins flew by. And now my legs feel numb and slightly heavy.... always a good sign.

In other news....

My weekend was a good one, nice and relaxing. Saw Up in the Air on Saturday night and have to admit I really enjoyed it - I wasn't too sure I would because it seemed a bit of loose story but it really worked, because you can easily imagine George Clooney's character to really exist.

I've decided that this shall be my jacket for Kilimanjaro. A combination of a lovely colour (pinkish) and also a recommendation from a girl who climbed it very recently and she had used the very same one.

Also, yesterday I dabbled in the world of musical theatre once again! I auditioned for the ensemble in Jesus Christ Superstar with The Melodramatics/Limelight. The show will be going up in April and I'm so excited. Its such a great show with fab songs its going to be amazing! I'll be writing wee updates on how rehearsals are going so keep your eyes peeled... but dont worry I wont be giving the game away. I want you all to come see it.. plus Moz will hunt you down if you don't - Won't you! Crazy MD he is....

Righty off to do some work this morning... got archiving and filing and note typing to do. All with the aid of my lovely pink Ipod and pink headphones...

Kmac (the tap dancing leper whore coming to a stage near you soon)

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Yummy food and Pj night

Date: 14th Jan 2010
Weather: Rain, slush and cold :o(
Shoes: Right now I'm in slippers, blue zebra ones to be precise. Earlier I was teetering on 4ins black patient Mary Janes.

Its very nearly the weekend - Everyone excited?!

Today has been a pretty interesting day, started in the gym where I ran through my PT programme sheet (minus the pull downs because the machine was broken and the alternative option was being used) and because I've got a tightness in my left calf I was reluctant to run for the final 30mins. Andy was working, so popped my head in to see what he thought... and no running for Kmac :o( instead I got to use the new fancy "Cardio Wave" machines that have just arrived.

They really work up a sweat, 10mins on that thing and I was panting and puffing like I do after 40 mins of running. Really enjoyed the new machine.... this could be the start of a lovely relationship. Also, you can play games on the screen while you work out! Seriously. Not that I will be, I'll be too busy working out but if I wanted to I could play Sudoku or 4 in a row with the wave machine... technology these days!

Work was run of the mill until I received a phone call. A local paper wants to find out more about the Kili trek/the team and run a wee story on us to help raise awareness of the fundraising and also of the charity. I'll keep everyone posted about when/if it is going to get published... might even be photos :o)

I've had the most tastebud tingling dinner tonight as well. Baked sweet potato and home made soup (made by the fabulous Fudgy!!!). Thats what the picture is at the top of the page!!
Currently sat in my pjs away to watch CSI. Got a 6:30am PT session tomorrow morning so taking in easy tonight, need to get rid of stress so heres hoping Andy will get me punching things!!
Have a great night everyone.
Kmac xx

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Cherry Coke....

Date: 13 Jan
Weather: Grey and raining. However... NO SNOW AT ALL!
Footwear: Zebra print shuboots to break up my all black work ninja look.

After slacking a couple of days in blog world I'm back. Miss me?!

Monday night was great fun at Radio Lollipop. I volunteer there most Monday nights and this Monday past I was handed the challenge of getting the show live on air because the usual Monday night presenter was off sick, and our fantastic stand0-in was running late. No disasters to speak of, and I had a great time. Can't wait to do it more often!

Then I took poorly through Monday night, so spent the day in bed yesterday watching Greys Anatomy and drinking green tea. Foodwise it wasn't a great day, only had a bowl of cereal at about 1pm and then some chicken at about 6..

Made it into work today though. And I also checked in at the gym. Decided to take it easy and just use the treadmill... set myself a time limit of 50mins and I just ran. Clocked up just over 8k in that time so I'm pretty impressed with myself. Need to start getting the distance up for my 10k in May.

Had an email from CCLASP about publicity for the Kilimanjaro climb also, its really taking off now and I'm sure the next few months will fly in. Can't wait for September but also getting more nervous the closer it gets. Has anyone been to Kili or know of anyone that has? Do you have any tips for me??

Have a great day blog world!

Kmac xxxxxxx

Monday, 11 January 2010

Monday Monday

Date: 11th Jan
Weather: We have pavements and roads in Edinburgh. Its a rare sight.
Shoes: Trainers to walk to work in, black heeled riding boots to teeter around work in.

Happy Monday blog world!

11 days into 2010 and so far so good. 249 days until day 1 of the Kilimanjaro trek and the team are really getting into training mode.

There are a team of guys and gals from my (and Richard's) office who are taking part in the Caledonian Challenge this year and they are doing huge training walks over the Pentlands every 2nd weekend, so the weekend Richard will be joining them to start getting his walking boots broken in.

I've been doing my running and today I've just signed up for the 10k in May. My first ever 5k (well technically 4k but we won't split hairs over 1k!) has given me the racing bug..!!

Richard and I are also going to be doing the 3 peaks challenge in June.

Katie has been battling snow and ice and sub zero temperatures up in Inverness to train. 3 hours spent in the gym on Sunday is a testament to her dedication to training even in the extremes of weather she is experiencing.

Barry has been keeping up his fitness, as a Personal Trainer in Edinburgh hes got a great level of fitness. I'm hoping hes working upper body as he might need to carry me up the mountain!!

So overall, a good few activities going on ontop of the gym training with Andy (for me), Roddy (Katie's PT) and Barry (yep, Richard is training with Barry). Bannatyne's have been fantastic with us to date, very supportive and long may this continue.

Also..... This is very much a "I'm thinking it so I might just write it down" but I'm about 70% tempted to make a note to sign up for the 2011 Disney Princess 1/2 marathon in Orlando. Any thoughts?? Should I? Shouldn't I?

On the Ipod today I have Legally Blonde: The musical to keep me going. Great cheery songs and very sing a long. I love it, my colleagues most likely do not!

Have a great day loves.

Kmac xx

Saturday, 9 January 2010

I did it!

I ran the Great Winter Run in 25mins and 09 seconds!!!!
The course had to be shortened because of bad weather, so the 5k was actually only 4k... but I dont care, Im over joyed with my time since it was my first ever race. Bring on more where they came from any day!

Here is the recap (with pictures...)

It started snowing this morning which wasn't really the best way to start a race, but I pulled on my running gear and made a pact with myself - I complete this I can hibernate for the rest of the day... So I grabbed my brekkie of porridge (with flax seed on top) and some green tea with citrus.

Then it was time to go and meet the Fudge down at the Parliament and get cracking with the pre race warm up, photos and general chit chat. Fudge has ran before and shes pretty ace at it, so her chat helped calm my nerves.

I thought it would be best to layer up, so I had on 2 sports bras, a sports crop top type thing and a nike running top... all covered with a HUGE hoodie.... needless to say even in -7 at 11:40am I was roasting so I whipped off the sweater to reveal RACING KMAC.

The race itself went great, I was really worried about running in the snow but all that I did was adjust my pace and keep myself focused on what I wanted - sub 30mins. The first 2k were killers, running on snow and ice covered grass and the 2nd kilometer was uphill on snowy grass. I had to walk about 500m as I was loosing my footing.
Crossing the hill and onto the final 2k felt far better, the sense of being 1/2 way through and also running down hill helped. Everyone was in great spirits and lots of people were cheering as we passed.

I saw the sign I'd been looking for all during the race... FINISH.. and just sprinted it out.

My ipod/nike training time said 28mins 42 secs but that started from when I started walking in my corral towards the start line, my official race stats....

Time: 25mins and 9 secs

Overall Placement : 964 (over 2000 people were running)

Fudgy and I met at the finish line....

And then it was time to collect my things and come home for a lovely warm bath and mug of green tea with orange and lotus flower!

Overall a great day, great race and I'm so proud of myself that I managed to run that distance. Kilimanjaro better watch out. Kmac is coming.

Kmac xx

Race day

Date: 9th January
Weather: Dry, bright(ish) and icy.
Footwear of choice: My blue zebra slippers, soon to be my running shoes....

Just a quickie this morning (ooohh errr). Its 09:22am and in just over 2.5hours I'll be getting ready to start my first ever 5k race.

I've never ran in an organised event before, even in school. I was always the kid with asthma who would have an attack just at the thought of running - Drama and English were always my better subject areas. So this will be a HUGE achievement for me.

I know alot of you reading this will be able to eat 5k distance for breakfast, and one day I want to be able to do that.

Andy has challenged me to do a sub 30min 5k, I'm hitting approx 35/36mins in the gym (and thats me battling overheating feet and the man who farts next to me). But Fudgy and I just discovered that the race is using an alternative route because of the apocalyptic weather.

So my first 5k will actually be my first 4k. Meh. Its still me, running, outside, with lots of other people. This is the view from my bedroom window, and that hill you see in background... thats where we are racing!!!

I'll update you all when I get back..

Whatever you are doing today, have a great one and enjoy it. I was told yesterday by a very wise man "enjoy each weekend like its your last". I want you to but I hope it isn't.

Kmac xxx

Friday, 8 January 2010

I laugh in the face of Sub Zero!

Date: 8th Jan 2010
Weather: Yesterday's -11 makes today's -7 look tropical.
Footwear: Unsexy walking boots for the "commute" to work, in the office I'm sporting my brown, heeled shuboots again. A cardinal sin wearing the same shoes twice in the same for me...

Happy Friday blog world!!! Its the end of the first full week in 2010, I hope everyone has had a productive one.

I hit the gym at 6:40am, planning on just a gentle 40 mins on the X-trainer as Andy told me not to run but do something today. But Paul hijacked me, convinced me I needed to get to his spin class at 7am because it was gonna be a good one. So I do 15 mins of X trainer warm up, skip up the stairs to spin, set the bike up and proceed to gradually knacker myself in the space of 45 mins. Great class, good music and good variety of moves to do, but bloody hell was it hard work. I love spin, but I hate it when its just a basic stand up/sit down/ cycle fast/ stand up... Certainly need to get back to more of the Spinning classes at my gym.

This week I've managed to... ( in no particular order)..

  • Run 21k over 4 days - an achievement considering this time last year I'd never even ran 21k in my LIFE!!
  • Rearrange my bedroom so its tidy (yey!), logical and organised. Lets see if that lasts past the weekend.
  • Arrange flights and travel for my work people even though every airport, airline and cloud seemed against us. PA's are miracle workers don't ya know.
  • Upset some people who are important to me with a silly remark, working on resolving this but goodness knows.... I'm sorry!
  • Sorted out my finances for when I get paid.
  • Wrote out a kit list for Kilimanjaro.
  • Signed up for the 3 peaks challenge - I'm classing this as "training" for the biggy in September.

Its been a busy ol week for me, but its been very productive. Next week I'm hoping to have more than 30k under my belt distance wise and I also want to get a grip of my diet. Its been very so so recently, not super bad or anything, but not as great as it once was. Naughty Kmac.

Kilimanjaro is becoming a very real event now, the team and I are getting some PR from our gym (Bannatynes) and we've been talking about the hard core training you need to do. I'm hoping to get some pictures up on here of our training, fundraising and general antics soon!!

Fudgy and I are running (read that as SKATING!) a 5k tomorrow, so expect an update after the event. But before that I'd love to share a text message I got from the Fudge last night. To explain, we are both in different starting zones because of our past racing time...... "We can still hang about until the start and then meet in the first aid tent" You can tell we are both very optimistic about getting through the race injury free!!

If anyone reading this is a first aider in Edinburgh/Doctor in Edinburgh/Nurse in Edinburgh/Paramedic in Edinburgh I look forward to seeing you tomorrow :o)

Catch up with you all laters

Kmac xx

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

You've gotta swim.

Date: 6th Jan 2010
Weather: Still snowy. The entire country is at a standstill, Scotrail have given in, Schools are closed but yet most of us get to work.... hummmm.
Shoes: Black leather kneehigh boots with 4ins heel, teamed with black dress and pink shirt combo.

6 days into the New Year and already I'm hearing whisperings of "Oh I've broken my resolution already" or "I'll start the diet tomorrow". 6 days people! Jeebus. I guess you have to be 100% committed to the resolution for it to work, which makes me question why people make them to begin with?

To put it in context, if you said you'd do something at work to your boss (the resolution) and then a couple of days later you'd given up how would you explain it to him/her? So why should giving up on yourself be any different? Surely the one person you can count on and rely on should be yourself.

The last 12 months have taught me that I have to listen to my body, my instinct and those close to me. I know I can rely on my ultimate judgement, but its taken me a while to get to that point.

So the moral of the story is - DON'T GIVE IN. People are amazing creatures, and are able to do so much but the one thing we are all guilty of is underestimating our ability. Push yourself, push the line and then see how good you feel.

My Kilimanjaro training is coming along nicely, so far this week I've clocked up just over 11k on the running distance and I've been pushing the weights like its going out of fashion. But I'm on a rest day today. My back is a little tight from yesterday's gym antics so dont want to risk and injury.

Fudgy and I are still going to be running the 5k on Saturday around Holyrood Park, however just how fast we run or indeed how injury free we remain is still yet to be decided!!

Thats all from me for today folks...

Kmac xx

Monday, 4 January 2010

Still 256 days to day.... Official post 1

Date: 4 Jan 2010
Weather: Snow and Ice on the ground, cold in the air and bugger all gritters on the roads
Footwear of choice : Brown Kurt Geiger Shu-Boots in the office, Brown unsexy walking boots for outdoors.

Great start to the day... I didn't sleep much last night, maybe 4 hours max. So I decided to get up and head to the gym.

Managed to knock out about 6k on the treadmill before I felt my leg muscles yelp in protest. I'm running the Bupa "fun" run 5k on Saturday with my fabby friend Claire (check out her blog... ) so need to start getting the running practice in. I'm not made for running. I look somewhat like a chicken being chased by Bernard Matthews. Honestly.

Got into work and felt amazing. The run made me feel grand so the day has been Rosy so far.

Other news.

Need to start buying kit for Kilimanjaro and if there is one thing I'm good at right now is shopping. This is the part of the process I'm looking forward to. I'll be hitting the mountain dressed in pink, think Barbie and you've hit it right there. I've promised Kilimanjaro Barbie so I will deliver Kili Barbie. My sister has picked a sea blue/green colour. As soon as we have our kit I shall post pics and you can decide how crazy we look!

Tonight's plan is to get to Radio Lollipop without falling on my bottom and then home for an early night. I'm planning 2 x 6k runs tomorrow in the gym so need my rest to make sure I get up in time.


Kmac xx

256 Days to go

Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to my little blog.

Most of you reading will know me, the hair brained things I tend to get up to and the fun I love to have along the way. If you don't know me... I'm sure this will become apparent very quickly.

Living in Edinburgh, working away I love my wee life. I've been lucky enough to be blessed with good health, good friends and great family - these are the people and things that keep me going and keep me motivated. But I started to get itchy feet. I wanted to help others who maybe weren't as lucky as me.

Cue CCLASP becoming charity of the year at my work. CCLASP is a charity based in Edinburgh for Children with Cancer and Leukaemia, Advice and Support for Parents. And they do just what it says on the tin. CCLASP treat every child the same, whether they are ill or not and they are there for the entire family. The charity represented something close to my heart and I'm so glad I've been able to help out in the last 18 months.

In August 2009 I started to think about possibly doing something "big" to raise money for CCLASP outwith the office, this was when the Kilimanjaro idea was passed around. A number of weeks later we (Richard and I, and a couple of others who for various reasons had to pull out) agreed to do it. We were going to climb the worlds largest freestanding mountain.

All great in theory. But I'm a 25 year old shopaholic who couldn't tell you the different between a slope and a Munroe. How the hell was I going to drag my Kurt Geigered feet up that mountain? Enter a gym membership and fantastic personal trainer to stage left.

Between the support of family and friends and Andy kicking my ass every week in the gym I'm determined to get there. And this blog is my way of documenting my journey from stiletto wearer to accomplished mountain hiker type lassie!!