Wednesday, 6 January 2010

You've gotta swim.

Date: 6th Jan 2010
Weather: Still snowy. The entire country is at a standstill, Scotrail have given in, Schools are closed but yet most of us get to work.... hummmm.
Shoes: Black leather kneehigh boots with 4ins heel, teamed with black dress and pink shirt combo.

6 days into the New Year and already I'm hearing whisperings of "Oh I've broken my resolution already" or "I'll start the diet tomorrow". 6 days people! Jeebus. I guess you have to be 100% committed to the resolution for it to work, which makes me question why people make them to begin with?

To put it in context, if you said you'd do something at work to your boss (the resolution) and then a couple of days later you'd given up how would you explain it to him/her? So why should giving up on yourself be any different? Surely the one person you can count on and rely on should be yourself.

The last 12 months have taught me that I have to listen to my body, my instinct and those close to me. I know I can rely on my ultimate judgement, but its taken me a while to get to that point.

So the moral of the story is - DON'T GIVE IN. People are amazing creatures, and are able to do so much but the one thing we are all guilty of is underestimating our ability. Push yourself, push the line and then see how good you feel.

My Kilimanjaro training is coming along nicely, so far this week I've clocked up just over 11k on the running distance and I've been pushing the weights like its going out of fashion. But I'm on a rest day today. My back is a little tight from yesterday's gym antics so dont want to risk and injury.

Fudgy and I are still going to be running the 5k on Saturday around Holyrood Park, however just how fast we run or indeed how injury free we remain is still yet to be decided!!

Thats all from me for today folks...

Kmac xx

1 comment:

  1. When did you get so wise???? So proud of you for taking a well earned rest day. See u in the gym in the morn xxxx
