Date: 27 Jan 2010
Weather: Slightly cloudy, a bit chilly, but over all dry.
Shoes: Grey suede shoes with neon pink trim and heel.
Lada Gaga obsession is still very much alive, with the songs "Monster" and "Speechless" playing on my ipod constantly. I'm such a song whore - I'll get a new favourite song and listen to it over and over again and then I'll get bored. And find a new one!!
Well the article was published in the local newspaper, the 900 words that the lady had writted were edited down to less than 150 and the picture they used was possibly the worst one of the lot. Needless to say I was not a happy Kmac so I emailed the paper explaining the errors and why I wasn't happy. They have amended it and published it again, but still no mention of the justgiving website or the charities own site. Like hitting my head against a brick wall sometimes I tell you. And the lovely lady who spoke to me about my story is most certianly not to blame, she wrote a great piece on us and why we are doing the climb.... it was the idiotic editors and new desk people who thought they knew better who cut it down.
But never mind, you live and you learn.
Training has been fantastic this week. Managed a good long run on Monday and yesterday I did my programme (one day I'll get it out the gym and type in for you all to see) and today I focused on legs only. I had a minor Op on my arm yesterday so I'm not allowed to do any heavy lifting or lift my arm over my head for a couple of days, ideally I wasn't supposed to do any training this morning but I had twitchy legs and I only did low impact stuff:
20 mins x level 10 on X Trainer
10 mins steep up hill power walking on treadmill
10 mins on the new "wave" machine thing!
Glad I went, really perks me up in the morning. Its my Kmac time when I get into the gym, headphones on and just go. I've never understood people who use the gym as a social club... they turn up, have a chat in the dressing room and then go up to the gym and all go on the same equipment, walk at a snails pace and just chat. Why not go outside and get some fresh air and chat and walk?!? Anyway - I guess I should be happy taht people are taking an interest in their health and fitness and making it to the gym, I'm sure there are lots of people who do nothing!
Anyway loves back to work I go
TTFN Kmac xx
how I overcame autoimmune struggles
4 days ago
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