Sunday, 24 January 2010

Funday Sunday

Date: 24th Jan 2010
Weather: Typical Scottish weather - grey, cold and dull. But it is what you make it!
Shoes: Grey flats with bronze buttons

Evening all, had a wonderful weekend? Full of frivolity and fun? I hope so... I hope you've been enjoying the time off before another busy busy week ahead.. I have!
Its been an interesting weekend for me, and a dreadful one in terms of exercise and diet.
I've not really been feeling right all week, a bit woozy and generally not with it. I'm blaming it on worry though, waiting on some results from a doctor and I dont like waiting!!! So finished up work on Friday night and headed out for a couple of drinks, was very well behaved and had white whine and soda - Kmac remained sober and upright for the entire evening you'll all be pleased to know...!!
I've done NO time in the gym this weekend and my food has been "snak" like. Its been healthy but not plentiful, so I dont have any pictures. But I've been keeping up 3 ltrs of water per day.

Saturday was spent in the flat, generally relaxing and taking stock of things. I've been a right worry wart recently and I've made a decision to stop it. Worrying does no good, read above... I'm convinced its been making me sicker. So here and now it stops.

Then today I was at a rehearsal from 11 until about 4. Felt so good to have huge songs to belt out, I can just feel it in my bones that this is going to be great show. I've forgotten how rehearsing and shows make me feel. I forget I'm Kmac, and I become a character in the show and for those few hours I am totally engrossed in the music and I just love it. 14 weeks and counting.... Although I am jealous of the Apostles who get to sing "whats the buzz tell me whats a happenin'" just such a cool line.. yeah I'm a geek..
Random photo time... I found this on my laptop and thought I'd share with you all

Proof that a) I DO eat and also b) I do eat CRAP sometimes.

**This is a rant warning.. **

Since I started taking care of what I eat and also the exercises I do I have been faced with people who like to assume they know more than the experts I've consulted. I've been told I don't eat. I've been told I'm getting too skinny. I've been told "your legs are really fat" and I've also been told to lighten up and enjoy myself.

I've spoken to my doctor - I've had to because of the small thing of KILIMAN BLOODY JARO. I am perfectly healthy in terms of diet and weight/height and if anything I should keep doing what I'm doing because I'm no longer an anaemic controlling her condition with pills. I'm controlling it with diet and healthy living.

I am trying not to get too consumed with weight because its just a number, how my clothes feel is far more important to me. But I weight 9stone and 9lbs and I'm 5ft 3ins tall. I wear a size 8 on top and a 10/12 on bottom and I'm happy. My gym going and training is NOT to loose weight, its to get fit, healthy and active.

My "fat" legs are the product of dancing and now the retraining of them to accommodate weight training. They may be bigger than some peoples, but thats the way we are made. My legs are certainly not fat, so please think before you say something as hurtful and callous as that again. Not everyone is as strong as me.

My training is my way of enjoying myself. Can you imagine a stressful week at work, I'm sure you've all had one, and now think just how good that glass of wine tastes to help you relax or how great you feel after a shower and a sing song. Well I feel that way batting out 5k on the treadmill and some clean and press'. Is that so bad?


Thanks for indulging me. I needed to get that out my system.

Hope you all had a lovely evening, now... go to sleep, rest, relax and have a wonderful Monday.

Try not to get worried....

Kmac xx

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